Thom Hoyle

July 18, 2016

Week 20: Time and Honesty

In Genesis, Adam and Eve enjoyed open discourse with God until sin entered their souls and they hid themselves from him. Ever since the fall “hiding” […]
July 11, 2016

Week 19: Five Levels of Communication

In any level of leadership development, attention must be paid to how effective we are in our communication skills. This is more than just having the […]
July 4, 2016

Week 18: Leadership Criteria – Part Three

• Are you able to keep people focused on the main thing? The prime objective of Southwest Airlines was to keep their fares lower than any […]
June 28, 2016

Week 17: Leadership Criteria – Part Two

• Are you one who inordinately needs the applause and approval of others? What happens when a situation demands that the best decision for everyone involved […]
June 20, 2016

Week 16: Leadership Criteria – Part One

For the next few weeks, we’ll examine standards of self-measurement for leadership criteria. Keep in mind as you read this that leaders grow in stature and […]
June 13, 2016

Week 15: Late Bloomers & Fruit Bloomers

I was a “late-bloomer” when it came to my physical development—skinny, short, and with noodles for arms. Then in, my senior year of high school, the […]