When I wrote my first book, The Unveiling, I submitted the manuscript to thirty publishers. All returned polite response letters saying my book didn’t fit their line of books. The process was so tedious and discouraging I decided to self-publish. But that meant I bore the burden of expense for the printed copies, Copies that I sold through seminars I gave on the subject.
In the “publishing house” world, it isn’t much better. Just as in self-publishing, the author does all the writing, most of the editing, and most of the marketing to sell their own books while receiving only 7-10% royalties from the sales. That’s when I decided to establish my own iZee Books publishing company in 2011—exclusively for my books. If you’re wondering what iZee means, the lower case “i” is for internet and pronounced, “eye.” The “Zee” represents the pronunciation of my last name initial.
Today, with the ability to “Print-On-Demand” through publishers like Kindle and Lulu, I avoid the upfront costs requiring an inventory of books like it did when I first self-published. Doing what I do now grants me all the royalties (after costs) since I’m doing the writing and work selling them. I also use my art background in collaboration with my fantastic graphic artist who designs my covers. Thank God for new technology!
Here are the books you can now purchase from me, and I’m not done writing. My goal is to produce and add at least one book per year.