
October 25, 2016

Week 31: The Virtue of Humility

Charles Haddon Spurgeon wrote in his book—Lectures to My Students—about a young man who allowed his learning and knowledge to go to his head. Here is […]
October 16, 2016

Week 30: Mining for Gold

“How blessed is the man who finds wisdom and the man who gains understanding. For her profit is better than the profit of silver and her […]
October 10, 2016

Week 29: Leaders Are Readers

I’ve often said that “leaders are readers” because readers of good books will become leaders. Knowledge that excels in application to any field or subject of […]
September 25, 2016

Week 28: Need or Want?

I grew up with a love for sleek, “muscle” cars. I loved the power and sound of the V8 engines. I still do. There’s one particularly […]
September 12, 2016

Week 27: Tyranny of the Urgent-2

Jesus managed the “tyranny of the urgent” by establishing the purpose and priorities of his existence. He healed all who were oppressed of the devil who […]
September 12, 2016

Week 26: Tyranny of the Urgent-1

The disciples had a front row seat to watch how Jesus dealt with the “tyranny of the urgent.” Imagine the crowds, the immeasurable amount of unmet […]
August 27, 2016

Week 25: The Power of “No”

The word “no” is the most powerful word in our language. It’s the first word learned and spoken by children. No! It’s the word required or implied […]
August 21, 2016

Week 24: Essential Skills for Communication-4

Speak the truth in love, not in a harsh tone. There is a time to show anger at some infraction worthy of being upset about. But […]
August 14, 2016

Week 23: Essential Skills for Communication-3

Don’t allow the conversation to be one-sided. A conversation isn’t a conversation if it’s nothing more than a monologue (i.e., one person doing all the talking). […]