I cannot lead people if I can’t move them. Jesus moved people. He inspired them to a common purpose with a character that transcended the civil and spiritual leaders of his time. Nothing inspires and influences people more than “character.” Jesus exemplified that. No fault could be found in him; he was above reproach. It made his disciples confident in him and, therefore, willing to accept his views and carry out his commands. Jesus had a perfect blending of both human and divine, natural and spiritual, God and man working in harmony to lead them in a cause that would bless the people he came to serve.
It is evident that some people are naturally gifted to lead, while others are not. Personality is a major factor in natural leadership. There’s a flame that burns, a magnetism that draws the hearts of others to follow. But one thing is certain, they were not self-produced personalities. Those qualities were endowed by God who wrote the code for their DNA. As Paul the apostle said, “what do we have that we have not received?” However, due to our carnal nature and God allowing for freewill, our God-given personalities can be used constructively or destructively. Strengths in personalities that are over-used can become abusive and self-centered. We see that prevalent every day in homes, government, the marketplace, and in the historical accounts of totalitarian leaders. So if you are among those who are naturally gifted to move and lead others, the way in which you use that strength is another matter. That’s why the blending of both natural and spiritual qualities is important. Consider this chart of contrasts between one or the other:
Natural | Spiritual |
Self confident | Confident in God |
Knows men | Also knows God |
Makes own decisions | Seeks to find God’s will |
Ambitious | Self-effacing |
Originates own methods | Finds and follows God’s methods |
Enjoys commanding others | Delights to obey God |
Motivated by personal considerations | Motivated by love for God and man |
Independent | God-dependent |
It is my firm conviction, based on experience, that no matter how good, effective or strong a person’s natural leadership qualities are, it cannot reach its highest effectiveness until it’s employed in the service of God and for his glory. Why? Because the spiritual leader influences others by the infused, interpenetrated power of the Holy Spirit. He permits the Holy Spirit to control and flow through his life unhindered; working in him or her to a degree that’s much greater than those who are being led. People intrinsically want to know God, to connect to their Creator. And if they witness a perfect blend of both human and divine within you—as they did Jesus—then as a leader, you’ve gone before them to a place they want to go. As Jesus came from the Father and walked with the father and knew him, he was able to point them to him. In the same way, as a leader who blends natural with spiritual, you’re able to point them to the path you’ve already trodden. Thus their confidence in your ability to take them to where they want to go intrinsically, comes from seeing Christ’s character emanating from your life, your passion, and the flame burning within you. That’s how you move people. That’s influence.